..CEO Bio

M Ida Wahlström

-Diploma in engineering and technology / SAMK

-Education in fine art incl. studies in U.C.E UK

-Education in business / XAMK

-Artistic skills:

Drawing and painting, Writing, Directing, Animation, Photography, Graphic design, Film making, Sculpting, Technical drawing and designs..

-Game developer skills:

Concept creator, Art Leader, Script writer, Character design, Weapons design, Architecture, Map design, Director of photography, Game mechanics, 3D modelling, Animating, Foley..

Short Bio

"Maybe good way to start is to say that my first game as a child was TV-console which even had Pong, or "Tennis", because two could play it :), for those who know video game history, it says something of how I have experienced gaming and the game industry developing from there to this day."

Next games worth mentioning were Pac-Man and Froggy :) on Commodore Vic20

I soon became Nintendo guy with first handheld lcd-screen mini gaming units like Donkey-Kong and panoramic consoles like Mario Bros Cement factory and Donkey-Kong Jr.

My favourite arcade game was Sega´s Outrun, which I can still drive through in record time in any course combination. 

The hand-eye-muscle control learned in games and especially in Outrun probably helped me a lot becoming an expert RIB (Rigid Body Inflatable Boat) driver for Greenpeace ;) 

I was also a Jet-Boat mechanic and engineer. I worked and travelled all over the world with Greenpeace and other NGO´s for 2 decades. 

But back to the games, my favourite console is still N64. I played very selectively and my games were Mario64, MarioKart, Banjo & Kazooie, and especially GoldenEye, all N64 Zeldas and Conker´s Bad Fur Day.

I played endlessly Tomb Raider when it came out. I absolutely adored Tekken 3, and I still play it.

Gamecube had just few games for me, Star Wars Rogue Leader and Legend of Zelda- Wind Waker special edition with Ocarina of time included. ah..and ofcourse all the Splinter Cells.

On PC, my games were FlatOut, WW2 Battlefield online, Ghost Recons up to Advanced Warfighter.

Now I develop games myself. 

I work with other artists and coders and freelancers. I mostly dev for PC platform, although a very important upcoming project is for mobile devices.

I write, direct and create concepts. I always have a very finished concept when I introduce it to the teams and other creators. They are complete with characters, maps, plot and script, gameplay, color map and sometimes even music.  I create Blender animations of the games to show the other creators what we're aiming for. 

I believe in honest and hard working values, the game devving community and helping others where I can. I value my co-workers, contributors and appreciate team effort.

My projects in killerapp.gamestudio are:

Kill ´Em All - FPS, completed, will be a Steam -release.

KEABE -TPS, PvP, Online Multiplayer, current project, future competition entry and Steam -release.

Substance Runner - Running game, development has begun.

Killer_App. - XR, App and Game, development has begun.

Kanga-Ball - 2D/3D Jumping Game, development has begun.

Enchanted Forest - RPG, adventure, development has begun.

Copyright M Ida Wahlström 27 Feb 2024

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